The Diary of Elvis' bass player

This is the story of my life in an Elvis Tribute Show

Location: Peoria, Illinois, United States

Monday, February 13, 2006

Chapter 1, part II What you gonna do, man?

Dad has played in lots of bands. He got me started on guitar way back and we've jammed off and on throughout the years. Him and my Mom have told me all about this guy, Al Hull who has done an Elvis show for years now. Al and his band have come to a crossroads and Al went one way and his band went the other. He's known Dad for a while and he knows that my old man is a musical encyclopedia. So it doesn't surprise me when Al asked Dad to join in a new band, in a new Elvis show.

It did surprise me, however, when Dad asked me if I would be interested in joining and playing bass. I had mixed feelings about it. On one hand, I'm not really an Elvis fan. I mean I know how "Blue Suede Shoes" goes, but that's about it. Once when I was little my Mom accused my brother and I of taking her Elvis Christmas cassette tape. We laughed and said, "What the hell would we do with that? Use the tape to dub a Motley Crue album, maybe, but not listen to it!" But I'm pretty open minded about music. Once I only listened to hard rock, but now I listen to all kinds of stuff.

On the OTHER hand:

  1. It's a paying gig!
  2. I'll be part of a show (I know how to play bass, so I'm not really blazing new trails there, at least musically I'm not, but now I'm learning about putting on a real show, not just playing chords and solos)
  3. I'm going to sing here and there in the show. I think that will help me get my confidence up about singing in front of people.

I thought it over and decided that, hell yeah, I wanted to do it!


Anonymous Anonymous said...


You can do it, your the man

Tuesday, August 15, 2006 2:18:00 PM  

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