Chapter 16, Elvis Christmas Show

This was our best show to date. We added some Christmas songs to our set list and had a ball with them. Jason started the show playing "Mary did you know?" on the acoutic guitar, while we all waited behind the closed curtains. When he was done, he began calling out all the names of the reindeer before the curtains opened and we went into a rockin, uptempo version of Ruldolf the Red-nosed Reindeer, which I sang.
Then we had the Elvis show opening, with Space Oddessy, then CC Rider into That's Alright Mama. We had Christmas tunes sprinkled throughout the set. We did Blue Christmas, White Christmas, Silent Night, Jingle Bell Rock, Silver Bells, then a powerful version of O Holy Night. That one really rocked.
Before the American Trilogy, Dad usually says something about my brother Jordan being in the Marines. He tells the audience that we're playing these songs for our veterans. Only during this show, Jordan was there. Dad pointed him out, and they put the spotlight on him for a second. Then he pointed out our brother Chris, who just finished with Basic Training in the Army. As we started the Trilogy, I saw people walking up to Jordan, thanking him for serving.
At the finishing of the Trilogy, we unrolled this huge flag, and also had our 'statue of liberty' come out. It's a really powerful point in the show, just seeing and feeling the people really get into it.
Our show is really strong right now.

cmon zic- uipdate your blog--- your gettin lazy
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